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Our Work

The objective of Lotus Lanka is to provide financial aid and promote educational opportunities for children who live in rural Sri Lanka. The Lotus Children will receive educational resources and ongoing monthly financial support of 7000/= ($35 AUS) that will go towards travel expenses and stationery needs necessary for schooling.

About: About

Our Mission

Making the World a Better Place

To empower the lives of children through educational opportunities to assist them in overcoming their poverty. It is hoped that through education, the economic well-being of the children will be enhanced, and their individual lives will be positively impacted in powerful ways that will improve their future life opportunities.Through the support that Lotus Lanka will provide for the children, we hope to promote a better and brighter future.

About: Mission
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Our Work

Through the empowerment of the lives of children living in rural Sri Lanka, we hope to allow them to reach their fullest potential without the financial burden. Ultimately, we want to make positive contributions in improving the education of the disadvantaged.

About: About Us
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